Due to the interaction between the permanent magnet and slotted armature lamination, there exists cogging torque in slotted permanent magnet motors, which may cause noise and vibration. 永磁电机中永磁体与有槽电枢铁心之间相互作用,产生齿槽转矩,引起电机振动和噪声。
Due to the cogging torque which is caused by the interaction of permanent magnet and the slotted armature lamination, there are torque ripple, accompanied by vibration and noise when the permanent magnet machine operators. 永磁电机在运行过程中存在转矩的波动,并且伴随着振动和噪声,其产生的主要原因之一就是永磁体和开槽电枢之间相互作用而产生的齿槽转矩。